Saturday, April 01, 2006

a fool's errand...

collar fastened against the cold.
how inadequate it is --
barely s
pares me from
this nasty wind.

the sky mocks me --
layered warm in blankets of
grey & black,
she illuminates my plight

with cruel lightning.
streets barren of life --
only faint echoes of hurried steps
that rushed indoors

to escape the rain.
trapped by narrow, alley walls,
they sound as if a stampede
as they bounce & vibrate

& collect in my soul.
pavement made now into
a ribbon of black glass,
capturing my huddled image

in each gathering droplet.
amp post flickers & fades,
denying me safe passage on
hese broken streets.

i startle for moment --
uncertain of a danger
from which i can neither flee,
or see. then... silence.

the rumble of thunder is
by a rush of

even the dim shadows
stand quiet & listen.
suddenly aware of
my heartbeat & breaths,

i press forward.
i must find
before the heavens

again open up, &
begin their deluge.
bowing my head,

i sinch my jacket.

collar fastened against the cold.
how inadequate it is --
barely spares me from
this nasty wind.

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